Siket Bank S.C. conducted the 2024/25 semiannual performance review meeting.

Siket Bank and Hybrid Design (Ride Transport) signed a strategic partnership agreement.

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Siket Bank S.C. held its 2nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

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Welcome to Siket Bank, where your financial goals meet our commitment to operational excellence.Addis Ababa Job Creation Project Office established in 1996 G.C in Addis Ababa City Administration to provide financial services to the poor people who cannot access financial services from formal. . .








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Siket Bank S.C. held its 2nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Siket Bank S.C. held its 2nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Siket Bank provided support of more than 2 million birr to various sections of the society.

Siket Bank provided financial, flour, and oil support to 1. . .

Siket Bank donated 1.5 million birr to the Wubanchi charity organization.

On the occasion of the 2017 New Year's Day, our bank provided financial assistance of 1.5 million birr to the wubanchi charity organi. . .

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